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Km 13 , lekki-Epe Express way, Agungi Bustop , Lekki , Lagos state.
+234 802 249 1893
+234 902 408 2526

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    Frequently Asked Questions.

    Click the order a tutor button on the homepage and follow prompt

    Click the become a tutor button on the homepage and follow prompt

    We carry out a KYC assesment on every Tutor and Teacher , ensuring they have been of professional conduct during there teaching exploit

    Every Tutor at sweetschool are highly proficient in there respective subject area , as we ensure they meet best qualificatory standards to take subject areas and equally demonstrate sound knowledge during test .

    Km 13 , Lekki- Epe Express Way , Agungi Bustop , Lekki , Lagos State

    Matching process is based on immediate locality however matching can be out locality in some cases .